Beeswax Easter eggs ~Huevos Pascuales de Cera~

My children are in love with Easter eggs and all the magic that comes with them. I always steer clear of plastic eggs (just a personal choice) and am always on the lookout for new ways to make our own Easter eggs that we can use year after year. This is our first time making beeswax Easter eggs and we are absolutely in love with them!

Here’s what you will need:

*Egg silicone mold (there are so many options for what you can find online! This is for 2D molds with a pattern but you could get 3D ones too!
*Dried flowers and petals You can also shop from a small business and buy pressed flowers from Woodlark’s Shop!

It couldn’t be easier to make these! Let your beeswax melt in a double boiler (I have a junky saucepan I bought for $2 while thrifting that is dedicated just to wax but you can also use a large empty milk carton with the top cut off!) 

While your wax is melting, have your kiddos add flowers and petals to the egg mold. This is the fun part! Let them add whatever they want, these are so forgiving and will be beautiful no matter what happens. 

Then you can show your children how to spoon small amounts of wax into the egg molds. This takes patience and some children love the slow work and other’s aren’t into it. If they get tired of spooning it in, just go ahead and slowly pour! 

Leave it to set for 24 hours before removing. Enjoy! You can use them for an Easter egg hunt or any easter themed learning. These are going to be some cute counters for Easter themed math activities for us over the next few weeks. 

Spanish words to practice while you play!

Cera (seh-rah) – wax
Huevo (weh-boh) – egg
Pascua (pahs-kwah) – Easter
Flores secas (floh-rehs  seh-kahs) – dried flowers