How to sew the perfect bunny: free sewing pattern

Easter is coming up and I have been wanting to make something special for the girls to wake up to. After looking through lots of different bunny patterns online, I just couldn’t find what I was looking for. I decided to try to just make my own and I just love these little conejitos

This is a more intermediate sewing pattern but even if you have never made anything before, don’t be scared to give it a try! I have only been sewing for the past year and I taught myself following different patterns online. It is amazing what can be done with Youtube and Google on your team for learning how to do new things. 

Happy crafting! Also if you are interested in learning Spanish with your kiddos, make sure you check out my screen-free, play-based Spanish course for families! 

Make sure you follow me on Instagram and Pinterest so we can stay in touch!