make your own wooden toys

How to make Waldorf wooden toys | Wooden Gem Block Tutorial

I’ll never forget seeing gemstone blocks for the first time on Instagram. I was absolutely in love with these Bauspiel blocks but there was absolutely no way I could ever afford to buy them. The more I looked into them, I realized just how easy they would be to DIY! Like most wooden toys, making them at home means you need a few simple tools, lots of time for sanding and the acceptance of imperfection. Add a little magic, lots of love, and you have magical toys your children will cherish. 

Let’s say you want to make these, but you don’t want to do the sawing and the sanding. You can buy some regular old blocks, drill the holes like I do in my video tutorial using a forstner drill bit and glue in your gems! 

DIY wooden toys, gemstone. blocks
DIY wooden toys
What do you need?
Ready to make your own? Watch my video tutorial to see the whole process! 
DIY wooden toys

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make your own wooden toys

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