How to Learn Spanish as an Adult – Easy Ways to Learn Spanish

In this post: Read more about how to learn Spanish as an adult! Post may contain affiliate links. 

My life motto is that it is never too late to learn another language. Even though right now my focus is raising my children bilingually in Spanish  and English, I know one day soon we will start to learn another language together. This post is for everyone who wants to learn Spanish as an adult! 

Table of Contents

Why learn Spanish as an adult?

Did you know that if you can speak Spanish and English, you can communicate with 80% of the world population?! It is the second most widely spoken language in the world, coming ahead of English and right behind Chinese. Speaking Spanish allows you to not only communicate with millions more people throughout the world, but it also lets you connect on another level with new cultures throughout the world. 

Label your surroundings

Immersion is the best way to learn any language. Find ways to surround yourself with the language on a daily basis. Placing labels on everyday items throughout your house will provide necessary repetition to help you remember new vocabulary! 

Watch TV & Movies in Spanish

This is an amazing way to learn Spanish as an adult. Pick any movie or show that you already love and know, and put the audio in Spanish. Better yet, add in Spanish subtitles so you can listen and read while you watch. You can also watch Spanish shows and movies. Check out my friend Corrie’s post on the best Spanish shows on Netflix for adults!

Spanish Youtube Channels for Adults

Youtube is an incredible resource and one of the easiest ways to learn Spanish as an adult. Check out some of my favorite Spanish Youtube Channels to help you learn the language. 

Read Books in Spanish

This might feel intimidating as a beginner, but you don’t need to limit yourself to books for grownups! In fact, finding some easy reader kid’s books would be an amazing way to start reading in Spanish. There are all different levels available and they help you so much as you learn new vocabulary and grammar as an adult. 

I absolutely love the books from FluencyMatters for learning Spanish for intermediate learners. 

Books to help you learn Spanish

Fun Spanish Apps for Adults

Spanish apps are one of the easiest and fastest ways to learn Spanish as an adult. You can build consistency in small and manageable chunks of time each day. Here are some of my favorite apps for adults learning Spanish. 

Online Spanish Courses for Adults

Finding an online Spanish class to take is a great option for those adults really wanting to learn Spanish at home. You can find virtual Spanish courses that fit your needs and schedule (as well as your price range)! Here are some of my favorite online courses for adults learning Spanish. 

Find a Language Partner

Finding someone you can practice the language with is a sure fire way to help you learn en español. It’s also one of the fastest ways to learn Spanish as an adult because it gets you actively practicing and speaking in real life situations. You can find someone in your community or use a program to find a virtual language partner. Check out Lexody or Italki to find someone online to help you learn Spanish as an adult!

"A different language is a different vision of life."

I hope these resources help you learn more Spanish at home! If you have kiddos at home, definitely check out my online Spanish course for families – Con mi Familia. It helps you learn Spanish right alongside your kiddo and is a really fun way to learn español!

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