40+ Loving Quotes & Phrases in Spanish for Valentines Day

In this post: Find Loving Quotes and Phrases in Spanish for Valentine’s Day that will melt your heart! Post may contain affiliate links.

Valentine’s Day is approaching fast, and it’s the perfect occasion to express your love and appreciation to your significant other, family member, or friend. If you’re a fan of the Spanish language, then you’re in luck! Spanish is considered one of the most romantic languages in the world, and it’s full of enchanting phrases and words that will make your loved one’s heart skip a beat.

In this blog post, I’ve compiled a list of beautiful and heartwarming quotes and phrases in Spanish that you can use to express your love and affection to those who matter the most. So, whether you’re trying to impress your crush or strengthen your bond with your partner, these Spanish loving quotes and phrases will definitely come in handy. ¡Feliz día de San Valentín! (Happy Valentine’s Day!)

Table of Contents

How to Say I love you in Spanish & Other Romantic Spanish Phrases

 This holiday is the perfect occasion to express your love and affection in a meaningful way. Whether you’re planning to send a message to your significant other, or simply want to impress someone special with your language skills, a few Spanish phrases can go a long way. From cute and cheesy to heartfelt and poetic, there are a variety of phrases you can use to show your love and appreciation. Let’s explore 30 popular Spanish phrases for Valentine’s Day, so you can make this day extra special for your loved one.

1. Te quiero (I love you)
2. Eres mi amor (You are my love)
3. Tú eres mi todo (You are my everything)
4. Te amo (I love you)
5. Mi corazón late por ti (My heart beats for you)
6. Eres el amor de mi vida (You are the love of my life)
7. Eres mi media naranja (You are my better half)
8. Eres mi sol (You are my sunshine)
9. Eres mi cielo (You are my sky)
10. Eres mi sueño hecho realidad (You are my dream come true)
11. Eres mi luz en la oscuridad (You are my light in the darkness)
12. Eres mi razón de ser (You are my reason for being)
13. Tú eres mi estrella (You are my star)
14. Eres mi paz (You are my peace)
15. Eres mi felicidad (You are my happiness)
16. Mi vida no tiene sentido sin ti (My life has no meaning without you)
17. Eres mi paraíso (You are my paradise)
18. Eres mi ángel (You are my angel)
19. Eres todo lo que siempre busqué (You are everything I ever searched for)
20. Eres mi inspiración (You are my inspiration)
21. Eres mi ser más querido (You are my dearest being)
22. Eres mi mundo (You are my world)
23. Eres mi Magia (You are my magic)
24. Eres mi tesoro (You are my treasure)
25. Te adoro (I adore you)
26. Eres mi razón de vivir (You are my reason for living)
27. Te amo con todo mi ser (I love you with all that I am)
28. Me haces feliz (You make me happy)
29. Pienso en ti siempre (I always think of you)
30. Me has robado el corazón (You’ve stolen my heart)

Spanish Valentine Phrases for Kids and Friends

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that’s celebrated around the world, and it’s a great opportunity to teach your children about love, kindness, and friendship. If you’re looking to teach your kids more Spanish this holiday, one way to do this is by teaching them some Spanish Valentine’s Day phrases. Below is a list of 15 Spanish phrases for Valentine’s Day that you can teach your kids:

1. Feliz Día de San Valentín – Happy Valentine’s Day!
2. Te quiero mucho – I love you so much.
3. Eres mi mejor amigo/a – You are my best friend.
4. Eres el/la mejor – You are the best.
5. Eres muy especial para mí – You are very special to me.
6. Eres mi persona favorita – You are my favorite person.
7. Me haces muy feliz – You make me very happy.
8. Eres mi sol en días grises – You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.
9. Eres único/a – You are unique.
10. Gracias por ser mi amigo/a – Thank’s for being my friend. 
11. Eres muy amable – You’re very kind. 
12. Eres muy dulce – You’re very sweet. 
13. Seamos amigos/as – Let’s be friends. 
14. Te adoro – I adore you.
15. Qué tengas un día lindo – I hope you have a wonderful day. 

20 Loving Spanish Quotes to Share

These quotes represent the depth of love and the complexity of human emotions. From the romantic to the humorous, these 20 Spanish quotes about love capture the many facets of this powerful feeling. Whether used to express devotion to a lover or to console a friend, these quotes offer profound insights into the nature of love, making them a rich source of inspiration and reflection for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of this universal human experience.

Si sé lo que es el amor, es gracias a ti

Mi corazón estalla por tu amor

Quisiera darte todo lo que nunca hubieras tenido, y ni así sabrías la maravilla que es poder quererte.

El amor más fuerte es aquél que puede mostrar su fragilidad

La vulnerabilidad suena a verdad y se parece mucho al coraje

Te amo más que a mi propia piel

Te quiero, no por quien eres, sino por quien soy cuando estoy contigo

Quien no amó nunca, no ha vivido jamás.

Fue amor a primera vista, a última vista, a cualquier vista.

El amor no tiene cura, pero es la única cura para todos los males

Hay besos que en los labios dejan huellas como un campo de sol entre dos hielos

El primer deber del amor es escuchar

El amor no es algo que has de encontrar, sino algo que te encuentra a ti

Una vida sin amor es como un árbol sin flores o frutos

No solo eres mi amante, también eres mi mejor amigo. Y no sé que parte disfruto más.

El amor es una flor que debes dejar crecer

De nadie seré, solo de ti. Hasta que mis huesos se vuelvan cenizas y mi corazón deje de latir

El amor no conoce barreras; salta obstáculos, vallas y penetra en muros para llegar a su destino lleno de esperanza

Recordar es fácil para el que tiene memoria. Olvidarse es difícil para quien tiene corazón

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion to express love and affection to those who matter most. I hope you’ve found special Valentine’s Day phrases in Spanish to help make the day extra special. From romantic love quotes in Spanish, to kid-friendly phrases that are family friendly, there are loving Spanish quotes for everyone on this list.  Happy Valentine’s Day – ¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!

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