Needle Felted Heart Garland ~Guirnalda de Corazones de Fieltro~

These sweet little hearts are perfect for Valentine’s Day but honestly you could make them any time of year to practice this shape recognition or just to make some sweet gifts for those you love. They come together pretty quickly and are the perfect felting craft for beginners! In this post I’ll show you how to make them traditionally, with a cookie cutter, and I’ll show you a little needle felting DIY hack to make them with what you have on hand.

Here is what you will need: *Amazon Affiliate Links Below*

Once you have all your materials, the process is easy! You place your cookie cutter on your felting mat, add enough roving to fill it up about 3/4 and start using your felting needles to bring it together. Make sure you use vertical motions, moving your needle up and down in short jabs, and watch your fingers! Work your way all the way around your heart until it seems like it has come together mostly. Then I actually lift it off (you may need to peel it off your mat slightly) and I flip it over, put it back in the cookie cutter and felt the other side. Once it is firm, I carefully work my way around the edges with my felting needle to finish it all off.

If you don’t have a cookie cutter, simply use a small square of cardboard to cut out a heart! It will work exactly the same and is a great option for kids because it gives them a larger space to hold it down that is away from their fingers (less likely to get finger pokes).

Once it is all done, thread a needle with a long strand of embroidery floss and thread through the top of your heart. Continue doing so until all of your hearts are threaded on. You can tie knots after each one to space them out and keep them in place but you should be able to glide them along to their positioning without having them slide around. Then all you have to do is hang and enjoy!