30+ Positive Affirmations in Spanish for Bilingual Kids – FREE Printables

In this post: Nurture Bilingual Kids’ Self-Esteem with 30+ Positive Affirmations in Spanish and English. Grab my FREE Spanish affirmation cards and coloring pages for kids. Post may contain affiliate links. 

Positive affirmations are powerful tools for children’s mental health and development, as they can help boost self-esteem and confidence, promote positive thinking, and reduce anxiety and stress. In this blog post, I will explore the benefits of using positive affirmations with kids, and provide a collection of FREE bilingual positive affirmation cards, coloring pages, and posters in both Spanish and English. These can be used as a daily positive reinforcement tool for children to help rewire their minds towards optimistic and constructive thinking. They are also an incredible way to bring intentional Spanish learning into your daily routine!

By incorporating positive affirmations into children’s daily routines, parents and caregivers can help build a foundation of positive beliefs that will serve them well throughout their lives. It’s never too early to start encouraging a positive mindset, and with these bilingual affirmation cards, you can assist kids in developing healthy self-talk while growing their Spanish language skills.

Table of Contents

Why Use Positive Affirmations with Kids?

Positive affirmations can be beneficial for children’s overall development and well-being. Here are five main ways that using positive affirmations can benefit kids:

1. Boost confidence: Positive affirmations can help children build and maintain self-confidence and a positive self-image.
2. Encourage growth mindset: Affirmations that focus on effort and growth can help children view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.
3. Develop resilience: Affirmations can help children develop resilience and perseverance, which can support their ability to cope with life’s ups and downs.
4. Improve mood: Positive affirmations can help children feel happier and more optimistic.
5. Enhance overall well-being: Affirmations can support children’s emotional and mental health, as well as their social and academic development.

Incorporating Positive Affirmations into Spanish Learning with Kids

If you’re ready to start using positive affirmations in Spanish to help grow your child’s language skills, you might be asking yourself how do you do it?! Here are some fun ways to incorporate these bilingual affirmation cards for kids into their Spanish learning at home or in a classroom:

1. Start your day off right! I always like to have a big jar filled with positive affirmations and have children pick one each morning that we can all practice saying together. This helps set a positive tone for the day or class. It’s a great thing to do at the breakfast table!

2. Print out these affirmation cards and tape them up in a child’s room, or in your classroom. Each day, encourage your child to pick one to practice throughout the day. You can also tape them to your child’s mirror to look at while they get ready.

3. Encourage artwork inspired by each affirmation! Have your child pick a Spanish affirmation, and then ask them to paint or draw a picture of how that affirmation makes them feel. 

4. Ask your child to say positive affirmations in Spanish during breaks or before beginning a new task, such as “Soy fuerte” (I am strong) during a stretching break, or Confío en mí (I trust myself) before trying something new and challenging.

5. Make positive affirmations in Spanish a part of the child’s daily routine. These affirmations can become a part of your getting ready routine in the morning, but they would also be a great way to unwind and get centered before bedtime. 

6. Encourage journaling with your bilingual child. Have your child copy down these positive affirmations in Spanish in a journal and help them come up with some of their own! Each day they can add a new affirmation to their journal which not only practices their Spanish writing but also encourages a growth mindset.

30 Positive Affirmations for Kids in Spanish and English

  • Soy fuerte (I am strong)
  • Soy maravilloso (I am marvelous) 
  • Soy valioso (I am worthy)
  • Me amo y me acepto (I love and accept myself)
  • Me gusta aprender cosas nuevas (I like to learn new things)
  • Puedo hacer cualquier cosa (I can do anything)
  • Merezco ser feliz (I deserve to be happy)
  • Está bien cometer errores (It’s okay to make mistakes)
  • Soy inteligente (I am intelligent)
  • Soy importante (I am important)
  • Me quiero tal como soy (I like myself as I am)
  • Mi opinión importa (My opinion matters)
  • Confío en mí (I trust myself)
  • Tengo personas que me quieren (I have people who love me)
  • Me siento confiado  (I feel confident)
  • Puedo aprender cosas nuevas (I can learn new things)
  • Creo en mí mismo y en mi poder de hacer las cosas. (I believe in myself and my ability to do things)
  • Soy creativo (I am creative)
  • Los problemas son una oportunidad para crecer (Problems are an opportunity to grow)
  • Mi familia, amigos y profesores me aman por lo que yo soy (My family, friends, and teachers love me as I am)
  • Soy único y especial (I am unique and special)
  • Las oportunidades siempre se me presentan en el momento justo (Opportunities always present themselves to me at the right moment)
  • Cuando cometo errores siempre aprendo de ellos. (I make mistakes and I always learn from them)
  • Me acepto a mí mismo aun cuando a veces cometa errores (I accept myself, even when I make mistakes)
  • Mi intuición guía los pasos de mis acciones (My intuition guides my actions)
  • Estoy orgulloso de mi mismo (I’m proud of myself)
  • Tengo una imaginación increíble (I’ve got an incredible imagination)
  • No necesito ser perfecto (I don’t need to be perfect) 
  • La practica hace al maestro (Practice makes progress)
  • Doy gracias por lo que tengo (I’m grateful for what I have)
  • Amo, cuido, y respeto mi cuerpo (I love, take care of, and respect my body)
  • Me esfuerzo por mejorar cada día y aprender cosas nuevas (Every day I try to get better and learn new things)
  • Hoy elijo ser feliz (Today I choose to be happy)
  • Puedo hacerlo (I can do it)

Gratitude Journal for Kids

Writing in a gratitude journal with your kids is a wonderful way to foster mindfulness and positive thinking. It helps children appreciate the little things and develop a growth mindset.

My Spanish Gratitude and Growth Mindset Journal for kids is designed to make this practice even more enriching, offering a fun and engaging way to build gratitude and resilience while practicing Spanish. Pair it with these free printable positive affirmation cards to create a powerful routine that nurtures your child’s emotional well-being and language skills.

Spanish Books for Kids about Self Love, Gratitude, and Empathy

Whenever you’re working with positive affirmations with kids, books are an invaluable resource, especially when learning a new language. These Spanish books for kids focus on developing the child’s self-esteem, helping them feel like they can achieve anything they set their mind to. They also teach children the importance of gratitude, encouraging them to appreciate what they have in life and to be kind to others.

Moreover, these books promote empathy and compassion, teaching children to understand and respect others’ feelings and perspectives. By reading these Spanish books, children will gain essential life skills that will help them navigate through life with confidence and kindness towards themselves and others around them.

Download your Free Positive Affirmation Cards in Spanish for Kids

Looking for fun and free ways to bring more positive Spanish learning into your home or classroom?! Grab this free bilingual activity pack with positive affirmation cards in Spanish and English, coloring pages, and posters! 

Let’s wrap this up y’all! Positive affirmations are powerful tools that can help boost self-confidence and promote a positive mindset in children. By encouraging them to think positively about themselves and their abilities, you can help build a resilient and confident child. To help you get started, I created a free bilingual positive affirmation activity pack, which includes Spanish positive affirmations cards for kids and fun coloring pages and posters to encourage positive thinking en español. This is an amazing way to encourage self-love while also learning more Spanish with kids. Download my free activity pack and start practicing these Spanish affirmations with your child today!


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