Discover 10 Fun Spanish Poems about Autumn for Kids

In this post: Experience the Magic of Autumn with 10 Beautiful Spanish Poems Tailored for Kids. Post may contain affiliate links.

Autumn is a season of change and beauty, with falling leaves and cooler temperatures creating a cozy atmosphere. It is THE perfect time to introduce kids to the magic of Spanish poetry! In post, we’ll explore some of the best Spanish poems about autumn for kids, with vivid imagery and accessible language that captures the spirit of the season. So, put a pot of tea on and cozy up with these fun Spanish poems about autumn for kids.

Table of Contents

How to use poetry to teach children Spanish

Teaching children Spanish through poetry is a fun and effective way to introduce them to the language. Start by choosing simple and engaging poems that are appropriate for your child’s age and level of Spanish proficiency (like the ones below!) You can find also find Spanish children’s poetry books, websites, or even write your own.

To get started, read the poem out loud to your child line by line, emphasizing the pronunciation of key words. Encourage your child to repeat the poem out loud too, and discuss the meanings of the words and phrases that they might not understand.

To reinforce learning, have your child memorize the poem. Make the activity even more engaging by having them act it out or make up movements to go along with the words. You can also have them write their own poems in Spanish.

Popular Spanish poets and their works about autumn for kids

There are many popular Spanish poets who have written beautifully about autumn. Some of the most famous names include Federico García Lorca, Antonio Machado, and Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. For kids, some of their most accessible works include Lorca’s “The Autumn Lament” and “Autumn Song,” Machado’s “In the Autumn Garden,” and Bécquer’s “I’ll Tell You a Story.”

These poems use vivid imagery to describe the changing colors of the leaves, the crisp chill in the air, and the melancholy beauty of the season. They are accessible to children because they use simple language and often incorporate repetition or rhyme. Through these poems, kids can learn to appreciate the many moods and emotions of autumn, and perhaps even be inspired to write their own poetry about the season.

In this post, we’ll explore some lesser known (but wonderful!) Spanish poems and rhymes about autumn for kids to help get you started. Once your children are hooked, explore more poetry with the incredible authors listed above.

Tips for parents and teachers to engage children with Spanish poetry

There are many fun games and activities that parents can use to engage their children in Spanish poetry. One simple activity is to read a poem together and talk about the emotions and images it might evoke. After that, parents can encourage children to write their own poem using their personal experiences.

Another fun game is to create a Spanish poetry scavenger hunt. In this game, you can hide poems around the house or backyard, and have your child find them and read them aloud. You can also ask your children to recite their favorite poem or make a spoken word performance to practice memorization and public speaking.

Lastly, you can also create beautiful works of art inspired by the poem you study. Turn your poem into a watercolor painting, a nature sketch, or even bring out some clay to get even more hands on with it! If you want some great art project ideas for kids, check out Chicken Coop Art club! We love it. 

10 Fun Spanish Poems about Fall for Kids

Otoño Llegó
Por Gloria Fuertes

Otoño llegó, marrón y amarillo.
Otoño llegó y hojas secas escampó.
El viento de otoño sopla soplará,
con las hojas secas me dejan jugar.
Autumn arrived, brown and yellow.
Autumn arrived and dry leaves spread.
The autumn wind will blow,
with the dry leaves let me play.
La Hoja Bailarina
Por Silvia Beatriz Zurdo

La hoja bailarina
dio vuelta la esquina
bailando al compás

Se hamaca en el viento
y por un momento
cae para atrás.

¡Su traje amarillo
tiene tanto brillo
que parece el sol!
La hoja cansada
duerme acurrucada
en ese rincón…
…mientras don otoño
le prepara un moño
de color del sol.

The ballerina leaf
turned the corner
dancing to the beat
Swings in the
wind and for a moment
falls back.
Their yellow
suit has so much
glow that it looks like the sun!
The tired leaf
sleeps cuddled
in that corner…
…while Mr. autumn
prepares them a sun-colored

La Hoja Seca
Por Berta Fenkel

Una hojita seca
cayó de la rama
Un colchón de hojas
le sirvió de cama.
Se quedó soñando
un solo momento
y mientras soñaba
se la llevó el viento.
Visitó ciudades
y muchos países,
volvió junto al árbol
durmió en sus raíces.
A dry leaf
fell from the
A mattress of
leaves served as a bed.
It stayed dreaming
for a single moment
and while dreaming
it was blown away by the wind.
It visited cities and many countries, returned to the tree
slept in its roots.

Spanish Poetry Books for Kids

Vuelan las Hojas
Por María Sol Hermosísima

Vuelan las hojas
por la noche sueñan
que se transforman
bajo las estrellas
Son pajaritos
son mariposas
Todas las hojas
bajo las estrellas
The leaves fly
at night they dream
that they transform
under the stars
They are
little birds
are butterflies
All the leaves
under the stars
El Otoño ya ha Llegado

El otoño ya ha llegado
y los colores han cambiado.
El calor se va marchando
y los pájaros están emigrando.

Las castañas y las setas
llenarán todas las cestas.
Una manta de hojas secas
cubrirá nuestras aceras.
Saca el jersey del armario
que ya se acabó el verano.

Autumn has arrived
and the colors have changed.
The warmth is leaving
and the birds are migrating.
Chestnuts and
mushrooms will fill all the baskets.
A blanket of dry leaves
will cover our sidewalks.
Take the sweater out of the
closet now that summer is over.

La Seta

Tiene la seta una capa roja
Con lunares blancas
Que, cuando llega el otoño,
Adorna los verdes campos.

Y cuando llueve, es paraguas
Y es sombrero si hace sol,
Para los animalitos que
Viven alrededor. 

The mushroom has a red cape 
With white polka dots
When autumn comes,
It adorns the green fields.
And when it rains, it’s an umbrella and it’s a
hat if it’s sunny,
For all the little animals that
live around.

La Casa de un Gusano
Por Gloria Fuertes

Dentro de una manzana
vivía un gusano,
si tenía hambre
le daba un bocado.
Tanto tanto tanto
la mordisqueó. 
Que al cabo de un tiempo
sin casa quedó.

Inside an apple lived a
if he was hungry
he would take a bite.
So much
so much
so much did he nibble on it. 
That after a while
he was homeless.

La Calabaza
Por Tamara Chubarovsky

La semilla de calabaza
duerme muy quieta en su casa.
Brota un tallo
hojas alrededor 
y en el centro una flor.
Con la lluvia y con el sol 
De la flor crece una calabaza.
La calabaza de la sopa de tu casa y de mi casa.

The pumpkin seed
sleeps very still at home.
It sprouts a stem
leaves all around
and in the center a flower.
With the rain and with the sun
out of the flower grows a pumpkin. 
The pumpkin that makes the soup soup at your house and my house.

Los Colores del Otoño

Amarillo, rojo
Anaranjado, marrón 
Del otoño los colores son.

Yellow, red
Orange, brown
Are the colors of autumn.

Otoño Dorado

Otoño dorado
¿Que frutos has dado?
Manzanas rojitas, almendras también
Uvas negras, granadas y muy rica miel
Chirimoyas e higos que quiero comer
Y con las calabazas una rica sopa hacer.

Golden autumn
What fruits have you given?
Reddish apples, almonds too
Black grapes, pomegranates and very rich honey
Cherimoyas and figs that I want to eat
And pumpkins to make a rich soup.

If you love these Spanish poems for kids, and want even more ways to teach rhyme, poetry, and songs to your little ones in Spanish – check out our hands-on Spanish courses for kids! Whether you’re looking for the perfect Spanish homeschool course, or you’re wanting a way to teach your kids Spanish on weekends or afternoons – they’re perfect for learning Spanish at home! 

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