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Spanish Winter Poems for Kids – Great Spanish Poetry about Winter

In this post: Learn some great Spanish winter poems for kids! This poetry is a great way to learn Spanish at home with your children. 

Winter is here and it is a great time to learn Spanish at home with your children! One of my favorite ways to consistently practice Spanish with my own children is to have tea time and poetry. Every morning after play, or sometimes even outside on a nature walk, we will sit together to have a snack, drink some tea, and read some Spanish poetry. 

When raising bilingual children, consistency is key. Having a set routine that you can do every day, or once a week, will really help your children learn and maintain their Spanish at home. You can have Spanish poetry and tea time one day every week, or pick a Spanish poem to learn each week during winter! 

How do you memorize a Spanish poem with your children or students?

Some people may think this is obvious, but when talking to several families raising bilingual children this is a common question. We all know that learning Spanish poetry with our kids will help them learn the language, but we don’t necessarily know how to get started. 

It’s easier than you think! Pick a poem you think your children will love and start by reading it to them. I always do this during snack time because it is when busy bodies are able to sit for a little longer. 

I start by reading the poem with them, and going over basic questions about it. What did they think of the poem? Pick out a few specific things to note and talk more about, whether it is a character, or an action, or the feelings in the poem. 

Then my children and I practice learning one line at a time! We will spend about a week learning a new poem in Spanish, depending on how long it is. Don’t give them too much to memorize at once, just go line by line. Then, every day after that add a new line to what you are memorizing. 

Slowly say the line you want them to learn, and have them say it back with you. This is an amazing skill for children to develop and it really stretches their memorization abilities! You will love being able to hear your children recite whole poems in Spanish, and this list of Spanish winter poems is a great place to start!

How to bring Spanish poetry to life with your kids?

This should be the most important question in our minds. How do we get our children to engage with Spanish poetry in a fun and meaningful way. My favorite method to bring poetry and literature to life is to create activities that help connect more to certain themes in the writing. 

If the poem is about snowflakes, you can dive more into studying about the different shapes of snowflakes, or how they form. Check out Spanish in the Wild, in winter- en invierno for this specific study! 

Whether it is with art, cooking, science, nature, movement, or dance – there are so many ways to help your child connect more with Spanish and poetry! Don’t just leave it on a page. 

Five Spanish poems to learn this winter with your kids

Llega el invierno

El señor invierno
se viste de blanco,
se pone el abrigo
porque está temblando.

Se va a la montaña,
se mete en el río,
y el parque y la calle
se llenan de frío.

Se encuentra a la lluvia
llorando, llorando,
y también al viento
que viene soplando.

¡Ven amigo sol!
Grita en el camino,
pero el sol no viene
porque se ha dormido.

a poem written in Spanish on a blue background with snowflakes

La nieve

La nieve cae.
El frío llegó.
Gorro y bufanda
me pongo yo.

El invierno

Cielo azul,
cielo blanquito,
el invierno oculta el sol.

En el centro,
pero escondido
el sol regala su calor.

De azul el invierno se impregna,
de amarillo el sol lucirá,
el frío nos deja como una piedra
jugando, el sol nos esclarecerá.

A winter poem written in Spanish on a blue background with snowflakes


Invierno frio hay afuera
Y en mi casita arde una hoguera
Caliento mis manos,
caliento mis pies
Caliento mi cuerpo
y mi corazón también

El regalo de la luz

El regalo de la luz, agradecidamente tomamos
pero no será solo por nuestro bien.

cuanto más nos alumbramos,
uno al otro
brilla y se extiende,
crece aún más.

Hasta que cada chispa de los amigos se encienda,
hasta que en cada corazón, la alegría crezca.

En las profundidades
de nuestras almas,
brilla un sol radiante.

This is a classic Waldorf winter verse that I translated into Spanish. We read and recite this together when we light our DIY winter spiral.

I hope you love these Spanish poems all about winter for kids! If you are wanting to see the translations of any of these poems, use Spanishdict to get a loose rendition in English. Then quiz yourself and see what words you would change and what didn’t translate well to make it a Spanish lesson for yourself!