Learn Spanish Fruits and Vegetables with Fun Riddles: Adivinanzas para niños

In this post: Learn about fruits and vegetables in Spanish with fun riddles for kids or adivinanzas para niños! Post contains affiliate links. 

Whenever it’s time to teach new Spanish vocabulary to my own children or students, I try to think of a fun way to help them practice. Riddles, or adivinanzas, are a great language learning tool to help expose children to even more Spanish while also having fun. 

Learning about fruits and vegetables in Spanish is a wonderful way to bring your language lessons to real life situations! Whether you’re shopping at a local market with your kiddos, cooking together, or eating a yummy meal – these are all amazing opportunities to learn more Spanish while practicing new words for different fruits and vegetables en español. 

Let’s jump in and learn all about fruit and vegetables in Spanish with these fun advivinanzas para niños. 

Table of Contents

Learn 35 Fruits in Spanish

Before we learn Spanish riddles about fruits and vegetables, let’s start off by learning how to say fruit in Spanish! Remember that anything that contains the seed of a plant is technically a fruit. This list may surprise you, but I promise everything on it is botanically considered a fruit. 

Remember that all of my blog posts are enabled with text-to-speech specifically in Spanish. To hear one of these fruits read aloud in Spanish, simply highlight it and click the blue speaker to hear it and learn it.

Let’s learn how to say 35 different fruits in Spanish!

La fruta – Fruit
La manzana
 – Apple
La maracuyá – Passionfruit
La pera – Pear
La sandía – Watermelon
Las uvas – Grapes
La naranja – Orange
La fresa – Strawberry
La piña – Pineapple
El limón – Lemon
El mango – Mango
El kiwi – Kiwi
La cereza – Cherry
El melón – Melon
El melocotón – Peach
La frambuesa – Raspberry
El arándano – Blueberry
La papaya – Papaya
La guayaba – Guava
La granada – Pomegranate
La mandarina – Mandarin
El coco – Coconut
La mora – Blackberry
La lima – Lime
El higo – Fig
La ciruela – Plum
La toronja – Grapefruit
El albaricoque – Apricot
La nectarina – Nectarine
La grosella – Currant
El tamarindo – Tamarind
El pimiento – Pepper
El pepino – Cucumber
El aguacate – Avocado
El tomate – Tomato
El calabacín – Zucchini
El plátano – Banana (you can also say la banana, or el banano – plátano is most commonly used for banana in Spain but means plantain in other countries)

Learn all about Vegetables in Spanish

Now that you’ve learned all about fruits in Spanish, it’s time to turn our attention to vegetables! We can all admit that children have a love/hate relationship with veggies, but hopefully learning about vegetables in Spanish can be a fun and exciting culinary adventure for your whole family. 

Learn 25 vegetables in Spanish!

La verdura – Vegetable
La zanahoria
 – Carrot
La lechuga – Lettuce
La espinaca – Spinach
El brócoli – Broccoli
La coliflor – Cauliflower
El repollo – Cabbage
La cebolla – Onion
El ajo – Garlic
El apio – Celery
La papa – Potato
El camote – Sweet potato
El rábano – Radish
El maíz – Corn
El guisante – Pea
La alcachofa – Artichoke
El espárrago – Asparagus
La remolacha – Beet
El puerro – Leek
La col rizada – Kale
El nabo – Turnip
La yuca – Cassava
El hinojo – Fennel
La acelga – Swiss chard
El berro – Watercress
El colinabo – Kohlrabi

Spanish Books for Children learning about Fruits & Vegetables in Spanish

How do riddles help your children learn more Spanish?

Now it’s time to learn some cute adivinanzas para niños to help them remember all this new vocabulary practicing fruits and vegetables in Spanish. These riddles help children expand their vocabulary, improve their comprehension, and develop critical thinking skills while having fun. 

Learning riddles in Spanish with your kids:

  • Promotes attentive listening.
  • Develops language comprehension to understand the riddle’s statement.
  • Encourages associating ideas to solve the riddle.
  • Fosters creativity and imagination in children.
  • Develops curiosity and concentration in children.

Are you convinced on how important and useful they are? Let’s learn some together!

Adivinanzas de frutas y verduras para niños

I hope you love these fun adivinanzas de frutas y verduras para niños! You’ll find English translations to help you understand them as a Spanish learner. Keep scrolling for answers to these Spanish riddles.

Remember that this blog post is equipped with text-to-speech in Spanish! Just highlight any riddle you want to hear read aloud, click the blue speaker icon, and listen and learn!

1.Verde por fuera, roja por dentro, tiene muchas semillas en su centro.

Green on the outside, red on the inside, has many seeds in its center.

2.Soy roja o verde, del árbol me puedes ver, cuando sopla el viento, vas tú a recoger.

I am red or green, you can see me on the tree, when the wind blows, you go to pick me.

3.Blanca por dentro, verde por fuera, si quieres que te lo diga, espera.

White on the inside, green on the outside, if you want to know, wait.

4.Amarilla por fuera, blanca por dentro, tienes que pelarla para comerla.

Yellow on the outside, white on the inside, you have to peel me to eat me.

5.Soy naranja y crujiente, buen amigo de los conejos, ¿quién soy?

I am orange and crunchy, a good friend of rabbits, who am I?

6. Tiene escamas pero no es un pez, tiene corona pero no es un rey. ¿Qué es? 

It has scales but is not a fish, a crown but it’s not a king. What is it?

7. Soy verde y muy hojosa, en el verano te gusto más, si me pones en la ensalada, mi sabor disfrutarás.

I am green and very leafy, in summer you like me most, if you put me in your salad, you’ll love my taste. 

8. Moradas o verdes, redondas y chicas. Siempre en grupo y en jugo muy ricas.

Purple or green, round and little. Always in groups with delicious juice.

9. Pequeña y roja, en verano soy la mejor, en tartas y batidos, doy mi gran sabor.

Small and red, in summer I am the best, in pies and shakes, I give my great flavor.

10. Tengo capas y capas, y lloro sin parar, cuando en la cocina, me empiezan a cortar.

I have layers and layers, and I cry without stopping, when in the kitchen, they start to cut me.

11. Soy redonda y naranja, muy dulce y tropical, en jugos y postres, soy fenomenal.

I am round and orange, very sweet and tropical, in juices and desserts, I am phenomenal.

12. Empieza como nota musical, termina como ave de corral. ¿Qué es?

It starts like a musical note, ends like poultry. What is it?

13. Soy una fruta, y tengo dura piel, soy ácido y fuerte, soy amarillo como la miel. 

I am a fruit, and I have a tough skin, I am sour and strong, I am yellow like honey.

14. Rabo tiene, raba no y ya te lo he dicho yo.

It has a tail, it doesn’t have a radish, and I’ve already told you.

15. Tengo cabeza redonda, sin nariz, ojos, ni frente, y mi cuerpo se compone tan solo de blancos dientes.

I have a round head, without a nose, eyes, or forehead, and my body is made up of only white teeth.

Answers to your adivinanzas para niños:

1.Sandía 2.Manzana 3.Pera 4.Banana  5.Zanahoria 6.Piña 7.Lechuga 8.Uvas 9.Fresa 10.Cebolla 11.Naranja 12.Repollo 13.Limón 14.Rábano 15.Ajo

Spanish Fruit & Vegetables Free Spanish Flashcards!

Next up, if you’re wanting to have a visual aid to help as you learn these new Spanish words for fruits and vegetables, you can grab these free printable Spanish flashcards! 

Use them for matching games, scavenger hunts, or even go fish. You can also print out these Spanish flashcards, put them on a keyring, and take them with you whenever you go grocery shopping with your kids. Remember that Spanish learning can happen anywhere!

More Spanish Lessons for Preschool & Kindergarten

Ready to learn more Spanish alongside your children? Con mi Familia is an innovative, play-based Spanish homeschool curriculum designed for families with young children who want to learn Spanish together. This curriculum helps you creates an environment where language learning feels like play, nurturing your child’s love for Spanish through playful exploration, nature-inspired activities, and hands-on learning. There’s even a special lesson in Series 2 all about food! Check out Con mi Familia to learn more Spanish side by side with your kiddos today.

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